Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Plan

I got the phonecall alerting me of my brand new stewardship of a community garden plot while at work. I started google searching immediately. I found all sorts of isolated tidbits of advice and all sorts of "beginner how-to" type guides most of whiched assumed I had a roto-tiller. Or is that only a verb? "Roto-till the dirt before planting." OK, sure, while I'm at it I'll just buy 9,000 earth worms and let them loose. This was also a suggestion, and while I liked it much better because I know what that means, I did not have 9,000 earth worms lying around.

So I contented myself with looking up which plants could still succesfully be planted in late June, since the plot came open well after most people plant their gardens. I picked them from an ideal list, and drew out a plan arranging them so that the taller ones were in rows along the North edge (I read this somewhere). Well, of course the shape and orientation of the plot, once I saw it, and the seeds that were actually available changed my plan considerably.

Basically I ended up throwing out all of the suggestions that I carefully googled and tagged in my favorites folder. In the end I just roughly copied the plots of my community garden neighbors. But that comes later.

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